Thu, 22 Oct 2009

What Makes a Great Developer Website? Help Me Improve! screenshot Did you see the new  I think the site has a much cleaner look and makes it easier to find what you’re looking for. takes you directly to the Windows Azure developer site, which is the place developers go for information about Windows Azure.

My responsibility is to play curator for that site.  I’m going to try to find the best content available and organize it in a way that developers can find the information they need as quickly and easily as possible.  I’d like your help doing that.

Three questions every product website should answer

When I’m investigating a new development technology, these are the questions I immediately ask (and the time I’m willing to spend answering each):

  1. What is this? (30 seconds)
  2. Is it useful to me? (5 minutes)
  3. How can I get started? (15 minutes)

I’d like to deliver great answers to these questions for a developer audience and then provide organized, deeper content for people who decide to invest their time learning the platform.

I need your help!

I’ve set up a Writeboard page (basically a one-page wiki) with the password “azure” where you can contribute to this effort by helping me collect the right content and organize it.  There’s also a section on the page for you to tell me about the best developer websites you’ve seen and why you like them.

Here’s a screenshot of the page at the time of this writing:

writeboard screenshot

To contribute

Browse to and enter the password “azure”.