Wed, 03 Nov 2010

Source From My PDC10 Session: Building Windows Phone 7 Applications with the Windows Azure Platform

phonepluscloudLast week at PDC 2010, I presented a session called “Building Windows Phone 7 Applications with the Windows Azure Platform.” Thanks to all who attended in person and virtually! As promised, I’m going to share all the source code from my session here on my blog.

To start with, I’ve just published the source code for my “DoodleJoy” application here: The source includes both a Windows Azure application that hosts an OData service and a Windows Phone 7 application that consumes it.

To get the application running, you’ll need the just-released OData client for Windows Phone 7, which you can find at (Click “View all downloads” to find the binaries and code gen tool.) Then open the two projects (phone and cloud) in separate Visual Studio instances. Run the cloud project first, and note the port. If it’s running at anything other than port 81, you’ll need to edit the URL in MainViewModel.cs in the phone project to point to the right location. Then launch the phone project, and things should just work.