Sat, 05 Sep 2009

Transcript from Today’s Windows Azure Lounge Chat

WAZL chat word cloud This afternoon I spent three hours hanging out in the Windows Azure Lounge.  With a longer period of time to chat and less hype, we had a more relaxed and social chat than the first time.  I like that, and that’s part of the reason I want to do these more regularly.

(Interesting stat: this chat had 530 messages over three hours.  The first chat had 572 messages in just one hour!)

As came up again in this chat, time zones are a pain, so I vow to do one of these at night (for me) so the rest of the world has a chance to hang out during normal waking hours.

For those who missed out on the fun (or were there and want to relive it!), the transcript is available:

The word cloud on the right is courtesy of and accurately reflects the meandering nature of the conversation. :)